Sunday, August 8, 2010

the best time for a workout

There is a 'best time for exercise'

If you're simply walking to get healthy or take off some weight, it doesn't matter when you do it, as long as you do it. But if you're an athlete looking for the best-quality workout, choose the late afternoon, when body temperature is highest. Muscles are warm, reaction time is quick, and strength is at its peak. If you push yourself harder as a result, you will burn more calories.

Late afternoons are hard to cover as they also equal sluggishness especially after a rice charged lunch so heres the best possible advice on making the late afternoon treadmill ....avoid rice on the days you plan on working out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It has been a while since the last piece of literature caught my attention. Ok in truth its been a while since i've paid any attention to any literature.

Its been a hectic three months and on a personal note i have grown so much albeit there still being a great and i do mean great amount of room for improvement. But thats not what this post is all about.

The issue of whether or not a child rapist should face the death sentence may seem pretty cut and dry emotionally. Of late we have been horrified by the sheer brutality of crimes in Malaysia. Its almost as if pockets of the society have taken crazy pills all at once. Tun Dr Mahathir at the Asian Bloggers and Social Media Conference recently did address this issue. According to him censoring the internet in terms of pornographic content is the solution to our woes. A thought that resonates with our minister of women family and community development. I do agree that limiting the access to the under aged should become a priority but i don't see how pornography actually plays a major part as many developed countries have more sexual freedoms than we do here. Why don't we see similar cases happening there?

But then again maybe our society has not matured enough to the extent of being able to handle the overflow of online porn. But to be fair there are cases of online porn affecting social life abroad. recently a medical doctor in the states was charged for unwanted sexual advances towards his 'larger' female staff. He was a confessed porn addict, addicted to videos with the fetish undertone featuring larger women. Pedophilia is still rampant online although it is internationally recognised as a punishable offense, the seamless border less world of the internet makes nabbing these sick people an arduous task.

Getting back to where my post began on the arguement of simply sending convicted child rapists to the gallows. Will this solve the problem? Perhaps a better idea would be castration. Not the physical action of it but the chemical alternative. this is a punishment method that i personally favour simply because it truly punishes in the spirit of retribution and rehabilitation.

Chemical castration is the administration of medication designed to reduce libido and sexual activity, usually in the hope of preventing rapists, child molesters and other sex offenders from repeating their crimes. Unlike surgical castration, where the testes are removed through an incision in the scrotum, chemical castration does not actually castrate the person, nor is it a form of sterilization, hence the term "chemical castration" has been called a misnomer.
Chemical castration is generally considered reversible when treatment is discontinued; in the case of Depo Provera, "no permanent physical change is wrought in the body." Castration has, from time to time, been used as an instrument of public and/or judicial policy despite concerns over human rights and possible side effects.

Perhaps the families of victims will find this to be just as merely sending the perps to the gallows may seem like giving the criminals an easy exit whilst the victims are made to suffer the long term trauma of the crime.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The issue of sex education in schools is not a new one. It is one that often surfaces when social issues arrise warranting its inception. Yet always the status quo of not having formal education on a subject that still rings the taboo alarms,is maintained for one reason or the other.

The ugly reports of unwanted babies being dumped upon birth however eclipses any other social problem that we have encountered before. I do hope that the powers that be are not waiting for more. What will it take? Sky rocketing HIV infections? Children wearing 'sex bands' stating their sexual preference for the day to school as recently reported in Brazil? Seriously as if the furor of child rape and incestuos crime was not enough.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child clearly states that children have rights and responsibilities appropriate to their age and stage of development. The Convention also advocates that everyone concerned with children should work towards what is best for each child.

To the nay sayers and those that are so worried about the errosion of our social morality wake up, it is eroding whether we have sex education or not. Perhaps if we did earlier it would not have degraded to this state. To those of you who are away from city life, the abandoned baby in the crystal mosque reminds us that these problems are not ones to be faced by the city folk alone.

Worry not for although proper syllabus on Malaysian Sex Education is not out, I do know for a fact that teachers will not be screening pornography in classrooms. I do know that children will come out of said classes more informed on the consequences of their actions and understand the reasons our most cherished values. I believe we should give these classes a real chance to materialise and study the impact they have on the generation they educate.

Instead of picking up knicks and knacks from the internet or one of their more 'well informed' peers let our kids learn from sources we can ourselves trust.